Tuesday, December 04, 2007

12.02.2007: Brian and Kirsten's Engagement

Sunday, I was back visiting the alien frog - but this time with Brian and Kirsten. This not so little fella is very popular in Austin (there was even a campaign to save him!!!) - and because he is suddenly so popular in my own Pink Posh world, I thought I'll look him up and see what this guy is all about. Meet, Jeremiah the frog. He and his creator even have their own little space on the www. http://www.hihowareyou.com/ Yes, this blog is also for learning :oP If you were in Austin on Sunday, it was a gorgeous gorgeous day for having your e-session. The shoot started off with a bang with Brian and Kirsten getting reprimanded by a bored fast food employee for sharing a METAL chair. We walked around the "drag" and UT campus after that while Kirsten showed us all the different murals that she loves along the way. There were singing clowns, a random naked lady, Audrey Hepburn and Abe Lincoln on the ground. You gotta love Austin :) Brian and Kirsten, congratulations and thank you for such a lovely walk around town :)