Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pink Posh Kids: Chloe, Sophia and Anna

What better way to spend a Tuesday afternoon then playing dress up and sharing secrets with your sisters at a tea party??!! Well, how about going out to the park and having a serious discussion about whether the floaty thing in the lake is: A) A dead turtle floating upside down. B) A dead fish floating upside down. C) A convenient distraction for not having to get your pictures taken by the lady photographer who's trying really really really hard to get all three girls in one shot?! :) Anyways, I really had such a fun time today with the girls. They reminded me that little girls are not all sugar and spice and everything nice. They're all that with a little bit of naughty to keep you on your toes! :) They laugh loud, can burst into tears at a moment's notice, kiss and makeup in an instant and give you the most sincerest, biggest hug possible. Cindy, I hope I was able to capture a little bit of their vibrant spirit :) P.S. Hi Chloe, Sophia and Anna!!! :)