Monday, October 15, 2007

10.13.2007: Nicole and Mike

Ceremony: Centurion Palace
Venue: Centurion Palace
This Saturday, Vince and I headed out to League City for Nicole and Mikey's wedding! We got there with the girls thinking that they still had alot of time........but tons of mishaps along the way. Traffic on the Kemah bridge. No list. Hair up. Hair down. Shirley Temple hair. No tie. Whoops. I wasn't suppose to mention that Mikey forgot his tie. And...a missing ring? But.......Nicole's dress was beautiful. She looked amazing, and Mikey - well everyone agreed he cleaned up pretty good. So can I say best vows ever? (You need to watch the video!) In a nutshell, Mikey vowed to not get mad at Nicole for shopping and buying shoes she doesn't need (but girls, we all know there is NO SUCH THING as a pair of shoes you don't need!) and Nicole promised to cook and clean - SOMETIMES. (We don't need to get all crazy here!) AND...Nicole promised to relinquish the remote control when Mikey gets home from work. Boys are sooo silly. Why would we even want the remote when there's shoes shopping to be done! :) So onto the day's notables: Beer on tap. Wait, UNLIMITED beer on tap and Converses. Nicole and Mikey, congratulations and double yay for not getting sick on your wedding day! :) P.S. Mikey - thanks for letting me take some of your pictures :oP (~Mariae & Vince)