Monday, October 22, 2007

10.20.2007: Julie and Jimmy

Ceremony: Holy Family Catholic Church

Venue: Safari Texas Ranch
Videographer: Dreams Innovations
This Saturday, Jimmy lost a bet with his friends. The bet was that he would be the last of all of them to get married - but of course that was before he met Julie and started drawing hearts on the windows of NYC taxicabs. :oP Julie and Jimmy tied the "knot" at a traditional Indian Catholic ceremony. It was really soooo interesting to see something different in a Catholic ceremony - and stalkers, in case you didn't know, we heart Bollywood movies - so it was a real treat to hear beautiful Indian prayer music and to see all the ladies dressed up in their colorful silk saris. (It really was like the movies!!!) So onto the notables: 1) the limo transferring the bride and groom getting a flat tire on the way to the reception venue. Julie told me later that they weren't too concerned about the flat - they were mostly worried that I would be mad they were running late for pictures! (J+J - I promise I am only an ogre SOMETIMES - but I really wanted you guys to get all your pictures in!!). 2) I got to see Joyce and Shaun again!!! and 3) best of all, a surprise interpretative dance of the life and years of the bride and groom - from birth up to their wedding day. Anyone who knew me during college - knows that I "minored" in interpretative dance. You guys did an amazing job on it!!! Julie and Jimmy, congratulations and bring me back sushi? :) (~Mariae, Vince & Marie)