Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10.21.2007: Melissa and Scott

Ceremony: Plantation House

Venue: Plantation House
On Sunday, I was back in Austin shooting the wedding of high school sweethearts - Melissa+Scott. (You didn't think I just sat around and rested on Sunday did you?) Melissa and Scott attended their high school prom together and now - more than a few years later, they returned back to their hometown to celebrate with their friends and family in a beautiful outdoor ceremony at the Plantation House. I'm so glad I got to document their love. Really. During formals, Scott couldn't take his eyes off of his bride the entire time and I had the best time hanging out with them! :) So, onto the notables of the day! 1) Getting into the wedding dress. OK. This was the probably the first time I have ever EVER seen any bride get into a wedding dress while it was hanging on the rod still - with the hanger on. But it worked - and this method only required ONE helper. Essentially, Melissa vertically crawled through from the bottom of the dress...I know this makes no sense - you have to have been there. 2) HOT PINK SHOES!! Making sure I got pictures of the hot pink shoes :) 3) Wedding guests forming a big giant heart!! (The idea for this came while Melissa and I was discussing the balcony picture - and this was one of the idea that came from sleep and caffeine deprivation! I never got a chance to get my double espresso redbull chaser to start off the wedding day!) 4) Wedding guests ACTUALLY forming a big giant heart. Okay, it's not quite a perfect heart - but its the size of the heart that matters... 4) Paris and Wedding Barbie :) 5) A beautiful speech and a little bit of red wine. Ooops. Melissa and Scott, I hope you guys are having a marvelous time in the Dominican Republic and thanks for being such an amazing couple and going on that "adventure" downtown with me after the wedding!! :) (~Mariae and Hali)